
Children Learning Reading Program Videos

(You Can Find More Videos Here)

How To Teach Your Child To Read In Easy Lessons (Children Learning Reading)

In this video Jim, introduces the Children Learning Reading program and how he taught all of his children who were just over 2 years of age to read in just 11 weeks using the program.

There are videos of his daughters and son reading at just 2 years of age. By the time his daughter was 4 she had grade 3 reading abilities and there is a video of her reading books fluently at just 4 years of age.

The benefits of teaching your young child to read at an early age are also discussed. With only 10-15 minutes a day of tuition you can help your young child to learn to read and be smarter and have a bright future.

Jim discusses 4 things that you should avoid when teaching young children how to read. It is not a good idea to just sit a young child down in front of the TV and expect them to learn to read. A black box in the corner will never teach your child to read well.

There are also computer programs available that claim that they will teach your child to read. The issue with these are that they remove the parent from the learning process. These programs do not have a high success rate.

Jim then explains that the use of phonics is important in teaching your child to read but it should not be used on its own. Your child needs to develop good phonemic awareness and they will do that with Jim Yang’s Children Learning Reading program.

This Children Learning Reading review video also contains testimonials from very happy parents who have taught their children to read using Jim Yang’s program. They have all experienced incredible results with their children’s reading development.

Jim explains that thousands of parents from all across the world have used the Children Learning Reading program and have successfully taught their young children to read fluently. This is because the program:

  • Provides critical foundational reading skills
  • Enhances your child’s intellectual development
  • Teaches your child to be exceptionally fast at decoding and reading and will significantly improve their spelling abilities

To wrap up the video Jim explains that the Children Learning Reading program is available as an instant download and that each purchase of the program comes with some very valuable bonuses.

These bonuses include lesson stories, MP3 audios of the alphabet sounds, the most common sight words and nursery rhymes. The total value of the program with all of the bonuses is $349 but it is all available to you for just $49.95.

Every purchase of Jim Yang’s Children Learning Reading program is fully protected by a 60 day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee.


2 Year Old Reading! Children Learning Reading (Children Learning Reading Review Website)

In the second review video of the Children Learning Reading, you will see Jim Yang’s daughter, Joy, reading at just 2 years and 4 months old! She is so good at it and she demands that Jim speed up the giving of the reading cards to her.

Joy was taught to read at this tender age by using a combination of synthetic phonics and the development of her phonemic awareness. The Children Learning Reading program is based on this successful combination and you will see the amazing results in this video.

At the end of the video you can link through to the full video which explains everything that you need to know about Jim Yang’s reading program.

3 Year Old Toddler Reads At Grade 2-3 Level

In the next video you will see Jim Yang’s young son Ethan reading at a Grade 2-3 level at only 3 years and 5 months old. He reads the book very well with a little help from his dad. Ethan was taught to read with the Children Learning Reading program.

Because he was taught to decode words using synthetic phonics and his phonemic awareness was well developed he reads through the book like a much older child would. Again there is the chance to link through to the full video at the end.

4 Year Old Reading Chapter Books

Here we see Jim’s oldest daughter, Raine, fluently reading a chapter book at just 4 years and 11 months old. She is very proficient at reading at such a young age. Jim taught her to read when she was really young using the techniques in the Children Learning Reading program.

Now she is older you will be able to see the reading progress that she has made in a couple of years. It really is remarkable and it is all down to the reading foundations that Jim Yang’s reading program instilled in her.

5 Year Kid Old Reading a Technical Book! (Children Learning Reading Program)

This video again tracks the reading development of Raine who is 5 years and 11 month’s old in this video. Jim asks her to read from a very complex trading book about technical analysis and stock trends.

She is able to read words like “subsequent” easily and needs very little help from Jim to read the paragraph fluently. At just under 6 years old Raine has a reading age of 13 years at this point. And it all started with the Children Learning Reading program.

10 Signs Of Child Genius

Children Learning Reading Program Review Video

Here there is another chance to see the remarkable reading ability of Jim Yang’s children who were all taught to read when they were 2 years old using the Children Learning Reading program.

There is a link to the full Children Learning Reading review video so that you can learn more about this amazing reading program.

And to watch the testimonial videos sent by other parents please visit the official website of Children-Learning-Reading Program.

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12 Replies to “Videos”

  1. Muko says:

    Hi Jim,

    We have kindergarden grade 5 years 11 months old daugther. For now her reading is better then her friends in the classroom. But we want to improve and develop her reading skills. Is this method will help us , or any other suggestions ?


  2. Ami D says:

    Is 14 months too young. My daughter is starting to talk a little.

  3. Roberto Morales says:

    My son is turning 2 years old and has a bit of speak delay, how long should i wait before purchasing your program. I am very interested and would love to see my son reading at the same age your children started.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi, It’s best to wait until he can speak more clearly – at a point where you can understand what he is saying to be able to better gauge his progress.

  4. Matilda says:

    Are the books available in West Africa, Ghana to be precise.
    Thank you

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Matilda,
      The full version of the Children-Learning-Reading program contains a large number of items including e-books, MP3 audio clips and videos, and is available for immediate download. Because of the large number of items contained in this program, it is only available for digital delivery via download. This allows for immediate access, and it also significantly cuts down on cost, and eliminates shipping and handling costs as well.

    • Koko W says:


      My son is 4 month old. Is it too young to teach his reading? Do you have anything he can use it now?


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