Children Learning Reading And Hooked On Phonics Reviews

Children Learning Reading And Hooked On Phonics Reviews


You Can Teach Your Child How To Read With These Two Excellent Reading Programs

In this article we will be taking an in depth look at two very popular reading programs that you can use to teach your child to read. First there will be a Hooked On Phonics review and this will be followed by a review of the Children Learning Reading program by Jim Yang.

Both of these reading programs will help you to teach your child how to read, but they are different. It is important that you understand the differences before you decide which program is best for you. There are lots of other Hooked On Phonics reviews as well as reviews of the Children Learning Reading program but this is the first side by side review.

1.The Hooked On Phonics Learn To Read Set

This Hooked On Phonics set is all about teaching the sounds that letters make, otherwise known as phonics instruction. It uses what is best described as a “cookbook” approach to teaching your child all about phonics. There are essentially 3 steps to the program which are the participation in a lesson, practicing what was learned in the lesson and then reading.

There is no requirement for you the parent to know anything about teaching your child how to read.  All you have to do is follow the detailed steps in the program. Most children love using the Hooked On Phonics program, and this will ensure that they make good reading progress. Hooked On Phonics and the Children Learning Reading program make learning to read fun for your child.

You can use Hooked On Phonics for pre k children, and the program is based upon teaching by example rather than trying to explain things to kids. An example is given about two vowels being together.

They use a clever adage which is “when two vowels go walking the first one does the talking”. This is a clever way to explain one of the complex rules of the English language, and it is something that a child will remember. Trying to explain this principle on your own would be fairly difficult.

Inside the Hooked On Phonics set there are workbooks and DVD’s. You may find that your child is ready for the DVD’s before the workbooks and this is acceptable. There are also phonic readers supplied, and these too can be used before the workbooks.

You can use the combination of Hooked On Phonics DVD’s, worksheets and the activity sheets to teach your child about phonics. Your child is very likely to learn the words quickly without much help from you, because of the demonstrative approach that the program uses.

The Hooked On Phonics videos and other components are so entertaining and fun that you will find your child asking you to “play phonics” a lot of the time. It wouldn’t do to disappoint them and turn them off learning to read, so if this happens to you then drop what you are doing and get out the Hooked On Phonics learn to read set.Hooked On Phonics Reviews

What You Need To Know About The Hooked On Phonics Learn To Read Program

This program is researched based and has been designed by parents, educators who are leaders in their field and some well known authors. It is designed for kids aged between 3 and 8 years old, and it is a supplemental program that will help you teach your young children how to read.

Hooked On Phonics is aimed at children who are at grade level and need extra assistance with understanding reading fundamentals. It is especially useful if your child has fallen behind with their reading, as it will reinforce what your child has already learned.

The program has been through a few changes, and the “learn to read” set is now based on skill level rather than just grade level. This includes “beginning phonics” and “intermediate phonics” sections, a “word families” section and an “all about letters” section.

The changes are welcomed as children of different ages will have been subject to all kinds of educational experiences. Some will have only been to school for two sessions a week for a few hours, while others will have attended full pre k programs or have been homeschooled.

You need to give your child time to develop their academic skills, and some children will pick up reading skills faster than others. Making the program “level based” is a step in the right direction.

As an example, if your child is struggling with reading and beginning to loathe it, you could take a step back with Hooked On Phonics and focus on the basics of reading before you move on to more advanced teachings.

How The Lessons Work

The lessons in the Hooked On Phonics reading program are designed to last around 20 minutes. It is possible to break the lessons down into smaller chunks if that works better for you and your child, or you just want to review something already learned.

It is an easy to follow reading program and you should never be stuck on what to do next. You can start each lesson by watching one of the videos on a DVD, and these will introduce letters and their various sounds.

The Hooked On Phonics worksheets can then be used so that your child can practice what they have learned in the video. The lesson will end with a story that will contain the letters and sounds, and this should be read with your child. You can ask your child questions (which are supplied) about their comprehension of the whole lesson.

Each new lesson will build upon the previous lesson, and there are a few sight words included. There should be no requirement to review what has been previously learned, as any letters and sounds previously learned will form a part of the new lessons.

What Is Included In the Hooked On Phonics Learn To Read Program

At the time of writing, the Hooked On Phonics Learn To Read set consisted of:

8 DVD’s which contain all of the video lessons

8 workbooks for your child to practice with

36 story books for end of lesson reading

Online tools that are interactive

A guide book and video for quickly starting the program

A bonus fun pack

Some motivation stickers to keep your child motivated

The program is mainly a physical product and it will be shipped to you after payment. The shipping is normally free within the USA. The Hooked On Phonics Learn To Read program costs around $220. They provide a money back guarantee with the product.

What To Expect From Hooked On Phonics

The program should prove to be fun and interesting for your child which will keep them motivated to learn how to read. Your child should become a more confident reader, and the program should highlight any problems that need special attention from you.

The videos are very entertaining and informative, and some children will focus on these which is OK. As they develop you can introduce the worksheets gradually. You could find that your child will start the program slowly, and then as they pick up the basics they will want to do more and more. It is not uncommon for a child to want to go through more than one lesson in a day.

Being a “phonics based” program it will provide a true foundation for reading. It is certainly fun and should engage your child. It has received a lot of complimentary reviews from parents that have used it. The only drawbacks with Hooked On Phonics is the price and the fact that you have to wait for it to be shipped to you. Find out more about Hooked On Phonics here.

2. The Children Learning Reading Program

Jim Yang is a qualified reading teacher who researched the best way for young children to read. He discovered in his extensive research that synthetic phonics and the development of a child’s phonemic awareness were the two vital ingredients for success.

Jim used these methods to teach his children how to read when they were only two years old. They have all gone on to be prolific and confident readers. There are videos available showing his children learning to read when they were very young here.

The Children Learning Reading program is very comprehensive and uses a mixed media package to teach your child how to read in a fun way. Your child will learn all of the letters and the different sounds that they make. They will also learn about the sounds made when letters are combined as well.

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This approach will ensure that your child develops their phonemic awareness and really grasps the foundation of learning to read. When you use the Children Learning Reading program to teach your kid how to read, you will find that they will be able to become fluent readers faster than with other reading programs. Most children learn how to read in around 11 to 12 weeks with the Children Learning Reading program.

The combination of synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness development has been proven by science to be really effective. A child from 2 years old (as long as they can talk) can learn to be a proficient reader using these proven methods. In fact older children can benefit as well from the program. There is much more to the program than letters and their sounds. Words and sentences will be learned by your child and as time progresses they will be able to read full stories as well.

Children Learning Reading Makes Learning Fun

This is one of the most important aspects of the program. Your child will really enjoy learning using Jim Yang’s methods and will want to do more. There are very easy lessons that have stories associated with them, as well as color images and nursery rhymes. You may well find that when the lesson has finished, your child will want you to go on to the next one rather than waiting for the next day.

You will never find that your child is bored with the lessons in Children Learning Reading. Every effort has been made by Jim Yang to ensure that the materials in the program really engage the child, and make them want to carry on. He knows full well that the attention span of young children is short. To teach a two year old how to read it really has to be fun for them.

Children Learning Reading Program

Everything Is Step By Step

There is absolutely no guesswork with the Children Learning Reading program. You do not require any previous teaching experience to use the program with your child. Full instructions will be provided to you about what to teach, how to teach it and what to do next. It is really simple to follow and totally intuitive.

Some reading programs can overwhelm the child, the parent or both. This will never happen with the Children Learning Reading program. It is based on a proven system and each day builds on the next. Your child will be required to master each of the different levels before they move on to the next one.

Your child will find the program really easy to understand and do. You are probably aware that the English language has a number of complex rules that can be really tough for a young child. The program makes these really easy to learn and understand, and your child will have a lot of fun in the process.

How The Lessons Work

Each lesson has been carefully mapped out for you, and they can be delivered in around 10 to 15 minutes per day. It is really easy to break down the lessons into shorter time periods if this is required. You will not find that the program loses any of its effectiveness if you do this.

The program uses a totally step by step approach, and each lesson will easily follow into the next one. You will be able to see your child go from not being able to read at all, to being able to identify the letters and their associated sounds, make whole words from these sounds, move on to reading complete sentences and then being able to read a complete story.

You will notice the progress that your child is making regularly, and your child will want to keep going with the lessons as they are really fun. The lessons are specifically designed to make your child curious about what is coming along next.

The first lessons are about the different letters and their phonemes (sounds). The program will then move on to synthetic phonics instruction. The sounds that individual letters make will be assessed, and the subject of blending them into whole words will be tackled. The program will teach your child how to blend phonemes together very easily, and soon they will be able to do this without any hesitation.

Your child’s phonemic awareness will improve all of the time and you will find that they will increase their vocabulary very quickly. With the scientifically proven combination of synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness, they will be able to pronounce the words that they see accurately and clearly.

This way of learning how to read is a lot more preferable than whole language programs that rely on sight words. Your child will not need to memorize a lot of words because they will learn decoding and blending so that they can properly read any word that they see.

Children Learning Reading Has Two Parts

There are a total of 50 lessons in the program and it is divided into two parts. The first part consists of 28 lessons, and these will cover the letters of the alphabet and the different sounds that they make. Your child will learn how to blend the sounds to make very simple words, and then they will advance to more complex words.

After this your child will learn how to decode whole words and break them down into their component letter sounds, and then recombine them so that they can pronounce the word correctly. They will be asked to practice this in the lesson, and then stories, rhymes and other activities will be used to reinforce the learning in an entertaining way.

Part two of the program is made up of 22 lessons that are more advanced. They will build on the skills that your child has acquired in part one and your child will be introduced to digraphs (the combination of letters to produce unique sounds) in part two.

Of course the words, sentences, rhymes and stories are more advanced in part two of the program. Your child will be introduced to these more advanced concepts gradually, so there is no chance of them becoming overwhelmed.

What Is Included In The Children Learning Reading Program?

The Children Learning Reading program is available in two comprehensive packages:

The Standard Package

28 Step By Step Lessons That Make Up Part One

22 Step By Step Lessons That Make Up Part Two

Part One Lesson Stories

Part Two Lesson Stories

MP3 Format Letter Sound Audio Clips

Kida Nursery Rhymes

Free Updates For Life

One On One Counselling Free For 12 Weeks

The Premium Package

You will get the entire Standard Package plus:

Workshop And Lesson Videos – a comprehensive set of videos which show how Jim and his wife Elena used the Children Learning Reading techniques to teach their two and a half year old son Ethan, how to fluently read in only 3 months.

The Video Edition – this is a powerful video that explains in detail everything that you need to know about using Children Learning Reading. You can also expedite your child’s learning to read results using the great tips to be found in this video.

Nursery Rhymes For Part 2 – full access to all of the amazing illustrations that are in the part 2 rhyme section.

Lesson Printouts For Part Two – you will be able to print out all of the part 2 lessons.

What You Can Expect From The Children Learning Reading Program.

Your child will progress quickly as they go through the program. It will help children from 2 years old and upwards to learn how to read. The program is available as an instant download so there is no waiting. It is very well priced too, with the Standard Package only costing $49.95 and the Premium Package just $69.90. Find out more about the Children Learning Reading program here.

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