
About Children Learning Reading Program

If you want to help your child to learn how to read then you are in the right place. The Children Learning Reading program has been used effectively by thousands of parents across the world who have seen their children significantly progress with their reading skills.

Our aim with this website is to provide you will all of the information that you need to decide if the Children Learning Reading program is right for you. Many parents and their children have benefited immensely from the program and there is no reason why you and your children cannot do the same.

The creator of the Children Learning Reading program, Jim Yang, has included everything that a child needs to learn how to read properly. He has vast experience in this area and taught all of his kids to read using the same methods when they were 2 years old. Jim is always working on the program to improve it.

Here is what a few users of the Children Learning Reading program had to say about it:

An amazing programme, I wasn't 100 % sure when purchasing but saw very quickly with my 8 year old who struggles with reading how quickly she improved and could understand so many more words, love this programme and have recommended it to all my friends


Reading has been an absolute nightmare for the last year with my son .. he is in grade 1 and he was doing great with sight word until it was a complete over load. He was mixing up all his words and was noticed he could not sound out any words. My son who litterally has no attention span has been doing amazing with this program .. this was exactly what he needed . And is flying through the lessons now that he finally understands that words are letter sounds put together. This was the best money I have ever spent ! Great job for what you have created ! I have also started with my 3 year old daughter. You have turned reading time from frustration to pure bliss thank you


 I just want to say Thank You to Mr Jim who really helped me a lot,this Program is Amazing! It worked with my 4 and 5yr old kids i am so Impressed with this Program and i Highly Recommended this. Thank You so much again and more Power Mr Jim!


This is one of our greatest investments! I personally recommend this if you want your child to enjoy reading and doing it the proper and easy way. This has helped our son to read accurately and confidently.


 We have loved this program! Whether it’s the beginner for our 4 year old or advanced for our 6 year old, it has helped our children have more confidence in reading and comprehension! Jim has been promptly responsive to any questions I have had. The manuals are easy to follow and really provide step-by-step instructions or parents and caregivers to help their children succeed!

These are just a very small sample of the reviews that we have received for the Children Learning Reading program. It is a life-changing reading program that we are extremely confident will benefit your children as well. Teaching your children to read is the greatest gift that you can give them. The Children Learning Reading program makes this easy for you to do.


Here is a summary of the Children Learning Reading program:

Creator: Jim Yang

Summary: Children Learning Reading is a powerful program designed to teach children of different ages to read all of the different letters, words and sentences. It is a phonics-based reading program which helps your child to learn how to read effectively and fluently through a combination of synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness development. Your child doesn’t need to have any prior knowledge in English letters or reading to succeed with the Children Learning Reading program.

Package types: There are three packages which are the Foundation Package, Standard Package and the Premium Package.

Price: $39 for the Foundation Package, $69 for the Standard Package and $89 for the Premium Package.

Official Website: Children-Learning-Reading.com


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10 Replies to “About”

  1. Jessica says:


    Pls send me the direct link to your main web and purchasing page to my email. Tks

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Jessica,

      Just follow these easy steps to order your copy of the Children Learning Reading Program:
      1. Go to: https://www.Children-Learning-Reading.com
      and click on the “Add to Cart” button located at the end of that page.

      2. You will then be presented with 2 packages- Standard Package, and Premium Package. The page clearly lists all the specific features present in each of the package.

      3. Once you make your selection, you will be taken to a secure payment form where you will be shown the different payment options. Some of which includes Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and Paypal. Please enter the required payment information, and click on “Pay Now”, to submit the information.

      4. Once the payment gets approved, you will be automatically redirected to our confirmation page where you will receive the link to immediately download the Children Learning Reading Program.

      Additionally, you will also receive an email confirmation with your order details, including your own personal download URL for the program.

  2. Holly says:

    My son is 8 years old with Aspergers, he has a very hard time reading. Have you had any success with children on the autism spectrum?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Holly,
      Jim has not taught children with aspergers, so he is unable to comment on how well his program works in this area unfortunately.

  3. Sheetal Chhajed says:


    Would like to get known to the detailing of this program.

    My daughter age 6, is facing problems with reading.

    I surly want to improve her on reading!

    Waiting for reply,

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Sheetal,
      This is the TOC for the stage 1 book of the program:
      Phonemic Awareness………………………………………………………………… 24
      The Research Behind Phonemic Awareness ………………………….. 25
      The Importance of Blending ………………………………………………. 32
      Developing Early Phonemic Awareness ……………………………….. 35
      Smooth Blending and Choppy Blending ……………………………….. 40
      The Importance of Repeated Practice and Exposure: ……………… 43
      Systematic Synthetic Phonics ……………………………………………………… 48
      What Is Synthetic Phonics? ……………………………………………….. 48
      Why Synthetic Phonics? ……………………………………………………. 50
      About Synthetic Phonics and Children Learning Reading …………. 56
      About Sight Words …………………………………………………………… 57
      Letter Names and Letter Sounds ………………………………………… 62
      Synthetic Phonics & The Complexities of English: Let’s Start Simple
      …………………………………………………………………………………….. 66
      What Reading Does For the Mind ……………………………………………….. 70
      The Matthew Effect in Reading ………………………………………….. 71
      Reading and Vocabulary Growth ………………………………………… 75
      The Importance of Home Support For Literacy Development in Children
      …………………………………………………………………………. 79
      Our Observations – Just Observations ………………………………….. 83
      The First Steps …………………………………………………………………………. 88
      How Much Time Should We Spend On The Lessons? ……………… 93
      What if My Child Already Know All the Letters and Letter Sounds?
      …………………………………………………………………………………….. 96
      Learning the Letter Sounds Yourself ……………………………………. 98
      Keep Up With Sounding Out & Blending Practices ……………….. 100
      Do Not Skip Lessons ……………………………………………………….. 102
      Teaching Capital and Lowercase Letters …………………………….. 103
      How to Teach Reading and Present Lessons ………………………………… 107
      Reading Left to Right ………………………………………………………. 107
      Teaching Letters and Letter Sounds …………………………………… 108
      Teaching Words …………………………………………………………….. 109
      Font Used – Verdana ………………………………………………………. 112
      Getting Your Child to Cooperate ……………………………………………….. 114
      Maintaining a Routine and a Regular Schedule ……………………. 117
      Talk to Your Child, At the SAME Level ………………………………… 119
      Praise and Encouragement ………………………………………………. 121
      Simple Tips and Ideas For Motivation ………………………………… 122
      The Reading Contest Game ……………………………………………… 123
      Final Reminder Before We Begin ………………………………………………. 127

  4. Billy says:

    Are there any hard copy of the materials and discs that I could purchase? Or just ebooks+video download?

    And do you ship overseas?


    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Billy, Your question has been responded at the FAQ page of this website:
      Q: Is The Children Learning Reading Program A Physical Book? Or Is It Available As A Digital Download?
      The Children Learning Reading Program is not a physical book, and is solely available in the digital format. This training program comes with a wide variety of media files including MP3 audio clips, as well as text based materials, which are immediately available for download upon payment.

      By using a digital format the need to wait for the product to arrive in the mail is eliminated. There is no requirement to wait for days or weeks. You can get started right away

      The product developer, Jim Yang, doesn’t have to worry about covering the expenses of running a brick and mortar business which is great news for you. There are no expensive shipping and handling fees and because there are no overhead expenses for Jim, you benefit from the low price of the product itself.

      Also, if you were to lose access to the Children Learning Reading materials for whatever reason years down the line, all you have to do is email Jim, and he will send you a new personal download link right away. All for free.

      The program can be downloaded and used with any device, be it a PC, laptop, smartphone, Ipad, or any other tablet, which means you can take it with you anywhere you want.

  5. Tina says:

    Can I print out the digital material once I purchase it? Is it printable? I prefer not to let me son to read with electrical device, like IPad or computer. Thanks

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