Best ABC Activities For Kids At Home

Best ABCD Activities For Kids At Home

This article will provide you with ABCD for kid’s activities that you can use for teaching letter recognition. These can all be done at home and they will help your child learn the letters of the alphabet. These activities for kids at home are easy to understand, and you can use them to teach the alphabet to children. The activities will really help your kid to learn about the alphabet and you can use them to teach the different letter sounds as well.

All of the activities below have been designed to be fun and educational for your child. Teaching alphabet letters, and then going on to teach your child how to read is something that you will really want to do as early as possible. If your toddler can speak then they can learn about the alphabet and how to read.

  1. Learning To Read With A Proven Reading Program

All of the ABC activities in this article are about letter recognition and learning the alphabet. Once your child gets the hang of letters they will want to know more, and teaching them how to read is the next step. So why not start out by teaching them all about the alphabet, and then how to use letters together to form words and sentences?

A lot of parents will feel that their child is too young to learn to read, but the truth is that if they are at least 2 years old and are able to talk, then they are ready to learn to read. You will need the right instructions and guidance to carry this off successfully, so investing in a proven, high quality reading program is the best way to go.

When his children were just 2 years old, Jim Yang taught them how to read. They are now very proficient readers and have a reading ability far above their grade. The methods that Jim used have been put together into a high quality reading program called Children Learning Reading. This program is proven to work, and has been used by many parents like you very successfully.

The program is inexpensive but highly effective. You will be provided with short lessons and alphabet exercises that you can deliver to your child each day. The lessons only take a few minutes. In a very short time your child will be able to read (in around 11 weeks).

Making an investment in this type of program will really set your child up for the future, as they will be smarter and are more likely to do a lot better academically. Find out more about the Children Learning Reading program here.

  1. ABC Reveal By Painting

This is one of the best alphabet recognition activities and is very easy and inexpensive to do. The idea of this activity is that you will provide your child with sheets of paper that have letters painted on them, but your child will not be able to see them. The only way that they can reveal them is to paint over them.

Get several sheets of paper and use a white oil based pastel to paint letters on each piece of paper. If you are teaching the letters to a young child and they don’t have much experience with this then use the ABC order format. So on the first sheet you might paint A, B and C and on the second sheet D, E and F and so on. If your child is already familiar with the alphabet then you can mix the letters up on each page.

When everything is dry you can give your child a sheet and ask them to use different colored paints to reveal the letters. They will have fun discovering where the letters are on the page. As they reveal each letter, ask them to tell you what the letter is, and then practice the letter sound with them. Don’t move on to the next letter until they have done this correctly.

  1. Join The Dots To Make The Letters

Most kids enjoy a game of “join the dots” when they are young. So a good activity is to have some “dotted” letters that they can join up to form the complete letter. These dotted letters can either be created by you quite easily, or you should be able to find them online. This activity will help with your child’s motor skills development as well as letter recognition.

You should be able to find dotted letters online that you can print out, and obviously this will save a lot of time. Go for those dotted letters that are not too obvious what the letter is. Ask your child to join up the dots and then tell you what letter they have made. They can use different colored pens or pencils to make it more interesting.

Once your child gets good at this activity they should be able to recognize the letters just from the outline dots. This is excellent. Ask them to join the dots anyway. Once they have got the hang of this you can create your own dotted letters together. This is another motor development activity that will keep them happy for a while.

  1. Cut Out And Stick On Letters

For this activity you will require 26 small pieces of paper and some old magazines or newspapers. You will also need a pin board or whiteboard (or similar) that is at the right height for your child that they can stick things on. You could lay the board flat on the table or the floor and it would work just as well.

On the 26 pieces of paper you are going to write each letter of the alphabet. These will be stuck to the board using tacky adhesive that will not permanently stick. Once you have all 26 letters on the board, it is time to find letters of the alphabet in magazines or newspapers. So for the letter “A” you will find examples of this in both upper case and lower case form and cut them out.

Once you have found the letters you will need to cut them out of the magazines or newspapers that you are using. Plastic scissors should be OK for this if your child is very young. Stick the letter cut outs on to their corresponding letter paper on the board. It will take quite some time to find upper and lower case examples of all 26 letters. Q and Z could be a real challenge which is half the fun. Make sure that you search for the letters together.

  1. Play Dominoes With Letters

A lot of children know how to play dominoes at a basic level and if your child doesn’t then it will be easy for you to teach them. But this is dominoes with a difference. Instead of the conventional dominoes with dots on them to represent numbers, you will be using dominoes with letters on them. There are places you can buy these online and your local toy store may have them too. You can also make them yourself.

To make the letter dominoes at home you will need a large piece of foam board which you should be able to buy locally for very little money. You will then need to mark out a number of domino “rectangles” on the board and place a dividing line in the middle of each one. Cut these out with scissors and then add the upper case and lower case versions of the letters to them.

So on one domino you might have “A” and “b” and on another a double “B” which will have the uppercase “B” and the lower case “B” or two upper case or two lower case. There are many combinations that you can create, and the more that you can make the better. Make sure that the letters are clear on each domino.

If you have a really young child, then make the dominoes larger than usual. You can either write the letters facing the same direction or opposite each other. Make it as easy as you can for toddlers. Once you have made your dominoes just place them on the table or the floor and ask your child to start matching them up. They can make straight lines or corners. Let them be creative and learn alphabet letters at the same time.

  1. ABC Touch And Feel

You are going to create all of the letters of the alphabet in felt so that your child can touch and feel the shape of them. This is a great alphabet crafts activity. When they get good at this you can ask them to close their eyes and trace the letter out with their finger. This is a great way to discover letters with their senses.

You can create each letter to fit on a piece of letter sized card. You will have to draw the letter in 2D, and then cut felt pieces to fit on the outline letter. Get your child to help with this. If you want to you can cut the final felted letter out of the card to make an “A” shape a “B” shape and so on. By doing this your child can feel around the whole letter, and it should be easier for them when they are just starting out.

If you have a very small child, then don’t present them with all 26 letters at once. If they know the letters of their name then you can start with these, and move on once they become more confident. You can make a set of upper case and lower case letters to make it really interesting and help with your child’s letter recognition development.

  1. Making Letter Cookies

Here you will be making letter shapes from cookie dough and baking them. This is a lot of fun to do with your child, and they will learn a little about preparation and cooking too. You will require some cookie dough which you can either make yourself, or buy ready made from the store. A knife and baking sheet are also required.

When you are making the letters from the dough you can tell your child what to make. Please make me a “cookie D” and so on. Here is a good tip. If the cookie dough is too thick when you make the letters when they have been baked there is a good chance that they will look nothing like the original letters! The dough will increase in size under the heat and swell up, so make the letters pretty thin.

You can check the cookies as they are baking and show your child how they are changing in the oven. Once they are ready and cooled down you can play a game where your child will eat the cookies that they choose correctly. Ask them to eat a “T cookie” or an “O cookie”. This will be a fun and tasty experience for your child.

  1. ABC Bingo

This is one of the simplest activities for alphabet recognition which is also great fun to play. It works like conventional bingo, where you have cards with various letters written on them. These can be either upper case or lower case versions of the letters. It is recommended that each card has 9 letters on it in three rows of three. You will need a set of letters that you put into a container and draw out at random. These can be cardboard cut outs or toy letters.

You will need to prepare cards and write the letters in different squares on the card. Make sure there is at least one space between each letter in a row so that it is clear for your child. You can use either the upper case or lower case version of the letter. You will also need some colored counters, which are used by the players to cover up any letter that is called out. You can make these from card or just buy plastic counters.

There are many ways that you can play ABC bingo. If someone gets three letters in a row then they can win a small prize. If they cover their entire card first then they will win a bigger prize. Either you or your child needs to be the “bingo caller”. The caller will select a random letter and then call it out. If you are doing the calling then ask your child to tell you what the letter is.

The players will check their bingo cards to see if the letter that has been called appears on their card. If it does then they can cover it over with a counter. When your child is more confident with letter recognition, change places and get them to be the caller.

  1. Magical ABC Jar

This is a fun game for kids that will help them with letter recognition and simple words. All the family can play the game, and your little one will learn from everybody. Your child will need to know some basic words such as “cat” and “dog” to play this game and know what letter the words start with.

All you need is an empty jar which you can decorate to make it look “magical”. You can cover it with colored paper and glue some stars on it or whatever you want. Then you will need to cut some paper squares and write the names of letters on them. It is OK to have duplicate letters. If you are going to play this game with a toddler then you might want to leave difficult letters such as Q, X and Z out for the time being. You can always add them later on.

This game can be played in a variety of ways. Ask your child to put their hand in the jar and choose a letter. They have to tell you the name of the letter and the sound that it makes. If they can do this then they get to keep the letter and have another go. If they get a letter wrong then it is your turn.

Once they are more confident you can ask them to think of a word that the letter begins with. So if they pull out a “C” and say “cat” then they get to keep the letter and go again. You can set a time limit, and at the end of the time the player with the most letters will be the winner. Let your child win often to build their confidence.

  1. Letter Match Memory Game

Here you will be teaching your child about upper and lower case letters and having a lot of fun at the same time. You will also be developing their memory skills. The idea is that you will match upper and lower case letters together. Once your child has found a matching pair they will keep these letters and go again.

You can easily make this at home. You will need 52 pieces of card (better than paper as the card will not tear so easily), and you will write all of the lower case letters on the first 26 and then all of the upper case letters on the second 26. Alternatively you can look online for printable alphabet letters and glue these on the cards. Once this is done it would be best to laminate the cards so that they will not get covered in sticky finger marks.

To play the game you will need to lay all 52 cards face down on a table or the floor. Ask your child to select two cards and then turn them over. If they are a match (e.g. upper case A and lower case A) then your child gets to keep the cards. If they are not a match then tell them to put the cards back. Encourage your child to try and remember where those cards are for later in the game.

Then it is your turn. As the game goes on it will test your child’s memory. They will turn over a card that matched one that they turned over before. This is a fun game with a lot of benefits and should be really popular.

Final Thoughts

Teaching the alphabet does not have to be boring. The activities in this article will be fun for you and your child to do. Make every day and ABC activity day, and your child will soon develop those crucial letter skills.

Make a commitment to teach your child to read. It is not as daunting as you might think, and you will be giving them a most important gift. Get all the help that you need from Jim Yang’s Children Learning Reading program. With the methods in the program, you will be able to teach your child how to read in as little as 11 weeks and it will be fun. It is suitable for children aged 2 and upwards. Find out more about Children Learning Reading here.

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