Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What Is The Children Learning Reading Program And How Does It Work?

Simply put, the Children Learning Reading Program aims to teach toddlers, young children and children of different ages how to read English fluently and fast. With a step by step approach, this program focuses on improving the fluency and diction of the child through utilizing three literary tools- synthetic phonics, phonemes, and blending.

After mastering the techniques taught in this program the child will be able to expertly divide any given word into units, and make the appropriate sounds for each phonic (unit). Then, they will be able to blend it all together to form a word. By the end of the course, the child will seamlessly read word after word fluently. In fact, they will have no trouble reading sentences, paragraphs, and pages worth of text.

This course comes with a plethora of resources, each of which is designed to get your child to understand and apply the concept of synthetic phonics and bring about a sense of phonemic awareness in them.

The Children Learning Reading Program is divided into two stages. Each stage comes with its own unique instruction ebook. Stage 1 contains 32 chapters, and Stage 2 contains 33 chapters. Stage 1 is also known as the “Foundation” level and you can order the Foundation Package separately for $39 from the official page here. Stage 1 and Stage 2 are available in the Standard or Premium packages and you can order these here.

Each chapter comes with its own exercises, stories and rhymes. The goal of all the chapters in Stage 1 is to introduce the various literacy concepts that will help your child to read fluently. They will learn the alphabet letters, as well as the sounds for each letter. They will learn how to speak simple words by using the concept of phonics and phonemes, and they will also learn how to blend the different sounds to form a word.

More importantly, they will be able to use these concepts to decode any words, regardless of their complexity. By the end of this stage, your child should be able to read printed text very well.

In Stage 2, the child will be taught more advanced concepts, one of which includes digraphs. (Digraphs are basically a combination of two consonants used to denote one phoneme. For example, (ch) in chair, (st) in stove, (wh) in whirl, or (sh) in shoe).

Because this stage is more advanced, so are the exercises, including the stories and rhymes. The goal here is to take what they have learned in the first stage, and to enhance their learning. By the end of this stage, your child should have mastered the art of reading fluently. He/she will be adept at pronouncing any length of word with ease.

Q: Why Does Children Learning Reading Program Work?

The main reason why the Children Learning Reading Program works is because it teaches strategies that have been scientifically proven to be critical in the development of a child’s reading skills. Research has repeatedly shown that phonemic awareness development is crucial for a child to be able to read and spell words. This is what this program aims to do.

Because the foundation that this program teaches reading with is so universal, any child, regardless of their age, can benefit from this course. The lessons are very simple, and intuitive, which means that it gradually progresses in terms of difficulty. This way the child can master each concept before going on to the next level. It is designed in a way that makes it very easy to follow, even for a toddler.

The stories, rhymes and exercises that accompany each lesson are incredibly fun to do, and are highly engaging for both the child and the parent. This will make sure that the child has no trouble paying attention during the class, and will actually look forward to the next session.

As long as your child can speak, you can use this course to teach them to read like a champ. The younger they start, the better, because once the child learns how to read, they will be able to read books to expand their knowledge and vocabulary starting at a very young age.

Lastly, the Children-Learning-Reading Program has been thoroughly tested with real kids and parents. This course actually allowed Jim Yang and his wife Elena to teach all of their children to read in just 12 weeks.  As a parent himself, Jim’s determination to teach his own children how to read (even though they were toddlers) drove him to make the lessons super simple and short enough to not only hold the attention span of a small child, but powerful enough to make them learn the strategies to read fluently.

The system has been refined through the raising of Jim’s four children, and has helped thousands of other parents to teach their children to read as well. The results speak for themselves. You can click here and here, to watch videos showing how this course has perfected the reading skills of toddlers and children worldwide.

Q: Who Is The Children Learning Reading Program Designed For?

This course has been designed primarily with 2 to 6 year old's in mind. But that said, anyone older than 6 years of age will greatly benefit from this program as well. If your child has reading difficulties, or is behind in their reading levels, this course will definitely help. The reason why is because the concept you will learn in this course can be used by anyone to decode any word. By using the lessons in this course to develop your child’s phonemic awareness, they will be able to look at any word, and speak it out loud correctly.

This course can be used by toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, elementary school children, or any young child. In fact, Jim Yang, the creator of this program, taught his four kids how to fluently read when they were just under 3 years of age.

Q: Why Should I Use The Children Learning Reading Program Instead Of Other Programs?

The majority of reading programs use what is known as a “whole language” approach or “look and say”. This is just a “sight words” approach making kids memorize some word shapes. This is ineffective especially for kids who cannot remember well.

The Children Learning Reading Program does not require a child to remember words so it’s easier and much more fun which creates an incentive for the child to progress to the next lesson.

Q: Can I Use The Children Learning Reading Program To Teach Older Children To Read?

The lesson plans are designed specifically with young children in mind, which means that they are very simple and short, to keep it interesting and engaging for a young child. It is the same with the stories, and rhymes that come with each lesson. That said, the basic fundamentals this course teaches can be used by any child. The techniques they will learn will train them to use the power of phonics, phonemes, and other techniques to advance their reading skills.

Q: My Child Is Aged 6, 7, 8 or older And Is Behind In Their Reading. Is It Too Late To Start With This Program?

No. It is never too late to start. Although this program is primarily designed for 2-6 year old's, the important reading concepts that this course teaches can be used by a child of any age. Jim has personally used this program with many 6 and 7 years old's, and has seen dramatic improvements in their reading capabilities. The important thing to take away from this is that the program teaches the proper methods for reading and decoding text, and that works for everyone, irrespective of their age.


Q: How Much Time Do I Need To Spend When Teaching My Child To Read Using The Children Learning Reading Program?

We recommend spending at least 10-15 minutes each day with your child, helping them to complete their lessons. In most cases, you will find that 15 minutes of reading practice is enough because small children usually have a short attention span. That said, consistency is very important. Make sure you do the lessons daily with them.

In just 12 short weeks, you will see a massive difference in your child’s reading skills. Every day there will be noticeable improvement, which has been proven to provide enough motivation for both the kids and the parents to keep going and continue with the lessons.

Q: Can I Spend Longer Than 10-15 Minutes Each Day On This Program?

Yes, you definitely can. We have found that most young kids are very curious and highly motivated to want to learn how to read. Since the chapters are highly engaging, you might actually find them expressing their desire to finish more chapters in just one session. As a parent, if you do have the time, we highly recommend that you spend more than 15 minutes with your child teaching them the important reading skills laid out in the program, so that they can become fluent readers fast.

That being said, please make sure that the sessions are fun for the children. The best way to teach kids how to read is to make it so enjoyable that they may not even realize that they are doing some kind of task.

Q: Does My Child Need To Be Familiar With The Alphabet Before Starting The Children Learning Reading Program?

No. the only requirement we have before starting with this program is that your child should be able to speak. The course is divided into two stages. Among the many different things the child will learn in the first stage is learning the alphabet, along with the sounds corresponding to each letter.

Q: My Child Is Older Than 6 And Has Difficulty Reading. Is He Too Old To Use The Children Learning Reading Program?

No. The foundation that this program is built upon makes it suitable for children of any age. This course helps the students, regardless of their age, learn the basic fundamentals of decoding and reading the words expertly. They use the mechanics of synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness to do so. This helps the child take a word, sound it out, then blend it to form a complete word.

Any child can utilize this method to develop their reading skills to match their grade level. In most cases, by the time that the child has completed the program, the chances are that their reading skill will be far more advanced than their current grade level.

Q: What Is The Difference Between The Foundation, Standard And The Premium Versions Of The Children Learning Reading Program?

There are three versions of this course available for you to purchase- the Foundation package, the Standard Package and the Premium Package.

The Foundation Package provides you with Stage 1 of the Children Learning Reading program. When you order the Foundation Package you will receive:
-Stage 1 Lessons (all step-by-step)
-Stage 1 Printouts for the lessons
– Stage 1 Videos – Jim Yang shows you how he taught one of his kids using the methods in stage 1
– Audio clips in MP3 format for the letter sounds
– Sight Words that are most commonly used
– Nursery Rhymes that are a real favorite with children

Both the Standard and Premium packages come with the 2 main ebooks for stages 1 and 2 consisting of the lessons and exercises that are required to teach the child how to read. The difference between the packages lies in the bonuses.

The Standard Package comes with the following bonuses:-

  • Lesson Stories for Stage 1
  • Lesson Stories for Stage 2
  • Letter Sounds MP3 Audio Clips
  • The Most Common Sight Words
  • Children’s Favorite Nursery Rhymes
  • Lifetime Program Upgrades
  • 12 Week One on One Consultations

The premium package contains everything above, along with:

  • The Children Learning Reading Lesson Videos & Workshop- This set of DVD documents Jim and his wife teaching their second child, Ethan, how to read, using this program, when he was just 2 years old. You will get to see how Ethan went from not knowing any letters at all to reading short stories by the end of 12 weeks.
  • The Children Learning Reading Video Edition- This is a condensed version of the whole program in video format highlighting the important strategies to better the reading skills of your child. It also explains what the whole program is in detail.
  • Stage 1- Preset Printouts
  • Stage 2- Preset Printouts
  • Stage 2 Rhymes- These contain beautiful illustrations to go with the rhymes found in the stage 2 ebook. They are in color.

The additional content in the Premium Package is designed to make things much easier and more streamlined for you, as the parent. While working with children through this course, you will find your role to be one of a teacher, and these extra bonuses will provide tremendous assistance with that. The Premium package is highly recommended if you want to be even more productive in a shorter period of time.

Q: Is The Children Learning Reading Program A Physical Book? Or Is It Available As A Digital Download?

The Children Learning Reading Program is not a physical book, and is solely available in the digital format. This training program comes with a wide variety of media files including MP3 audio clips, as well as text based materials, which are immediately available for download upon payment.

By using a digital format the need to wait for the product to arrive in the mail is eliminated. There is no requirement to wait for days or weeks. You can get started right away

The product developer, Jim Yang, doesn’t have to worry about covering the expenses of running a brick and mortar business which is great news for you. There are no expensive shipping and handling fees and because there are no overhead expenses for Jim, you benefit from the low price of the product itself.

Also, if you were to lose access to the Children Learning Reading materials for whatever reason years down the line, all you have to do is email Jim, and he will send you a new personal download link right away. All for free.

The program can be downloaded and used with any device, be it a PC, laptop, smartphone, iPad, or any other tablet, which means you can take it with you anywhere you want.

Q: Are There Any Video Testimonials Showing The Efficacy Of Children Learning Reading Program?

This program has been on the market for a good while, and since its release it has been purchased by thousands of parents all over the world.

The owner of the program, Jim Yang, is constantly receiving letters and video testimonials from proud parents and guardians showing him the powerful linguistic transformation that their children have made.

An extensive record of these video testimonials and success stories can be accessed by clicking here. Furthermore you can click here to watch additional videos of Jim's Children reading at different ages.

Q: Does The Children Learning Reading Program Come With Any Discounts?

Some resellers of the Children Learning Reading Program claim that they provide special discounts to buyers purchasing through links on their websites.

Please note that the Children Learning Reading Program does not come with any discount other than the ones mentioned on the main website itself.

Anyone claiming otherwise is duping you to purchase the product through their link. Please be aware of that.

Q: How Can I Order The Children Learning Reading Program?

Just follow these exact easy steps to get your copy of the Children Learning Reading Program right now.

  1. Click here to go to the product page, and click on the “Add to Cart” button located at the end of that page.
  2. You will then be presented with 2 packages- the Standard Package ($39), and the Premium Package($69). The page clearly lists all the specific features present in each of the package.
  3. Once you make your selection, you will be taken to a secure payment form where you will be shown the different payment options. Some of which includes Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and PayPal. Please enter the required payment information, and click on “Pay Now”, to submit the information.
  1. Once the payment gets approved, you will be automatically redirected to the confirmation page where you will receive the link to immediately download the Children Learning Reading Program.

Additionally, you will also receive an email confirmation with your order details, including your own personal download URL for the program.

If you have a question that is not addressed above, please let us know in the comments section below. We will get back to you ASAP.

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21 Replies to “FAQ”

  1. Kofi says:

    pls i have made payment, but to just above the click of “ADD TO YOUR ORDER” Is “Click Here to Add the Phonics and Phonemic Awareness Worksheet Sets to Your Order Right Now For 50% Discount $49.95” i paid for the Premium option, what will be the effect of i clicking on that before clicking the final click on “ADD TO YOUR ORDER”
    or do i disregard it and go straight to “ADD TO YOUR ORDER”

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      The premium package contains the “complete” program. You do not need to order the phonics worksheets if you do not wish to. If you do not wish to order the phonics worksheets, simply click the “Click here to Decline” link, and you’ll be taken to your download for the premium package.

  2. aida says:

    how much space do i need to download the whole software ?…

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Thanks Aida for your input,

      The standard package is under 10MB.
      The premium package, with the videos, is a little over 350MB.

  3. christina says:

    Can I download this onto my iphone or ipad. Let me know as I would like to order ASAP.

  4. yra radwan says:

    Hi I am in egypt i have 4 kids 9 y 7 y 5 y 4 y will it help me and how will I get it please awnser

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi yra radwan,

      The Children-Learning-Reading program is a digital download, so no matter where you live in the world, you can order it and

      download it. There are no physical books to ship, and if you follow the lesson plans, you should see some good results.

      As mentioned above, please follow these exact easy steps to download the Children Learning Reading Program:

      1. Click here to go to the product page, and click on the “Add to Cart” button located at the end of that page.

      2. You will then be presented with 2 packages- Standard Package, and Premium Package. The page clearly lists all the specific features present in each of the package.

      3. Once you make your selection, you will be taken to a secure payment form where you will be shown the different payment options. Some of which includes Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and PayPal. Please enter the required payment information, and click on “Pay Now”, to submit the information.

      4. Once the payment gets approved, you will be automatically redirected to our confirmation page where you will receive the link to immediately download the Children Learning Reading Program.

      Additionally, you will also receive an email confirmation with your order details, including your own personal download URL for the program.

  5. martin says:


    I’m really interested in your program, I would just like to ask whether it works with other languages or is designed for English language only.

    Thank you

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Martin,
      The program is designed for teaching reading in English, although alphabet
      based languages should follow a similar pattern of phonetic reading. But for another
      language, you’ll need to figure out all the different sounds represented by the letters
      and letter combinations in that language.

  6. Sarah Siliznoff says:

    Does your program work ok with MAC computers for the downloads?

  7. Ami D says:

    Is Children reading and learning good for 14 months old? My daughter started to talk a little.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Ami D, Your child needs to be able to speak more clearly before you start the CLR program with her. This normally happens around age 2.

  8. Marcel says:


    I am very excited about my premium package purchase. I was able to save the PDFs to iBooks on my iPad Air 2. However, I can’t seem to do the same with the video and audio files. There is no save option, just open.

    Could someone from the support team kindly assist?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hello Marcel, and thanks for your comment,
      The customer support team of the Program sent you an Email. We hope that your Problem is solved now.

  9. Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

    Hi Sherwin,

    To get the best from the Children Learning Reading program, you need to wait until your child can speak more clearly (around 2 years of age).

  10. Tess says:

    Would the program work for the kids who have ADHD?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Tess, Jim has not worked with ADHD children, so he is unable to comment in this regard.

  11. Jennifer says:

    How much printing is involved in this program
    It is hundreds of pages ?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      The main teaching manual is 240 pages, but you don’t need to print it. There are around 30 important pages to read, highlighted at the start of the book. The lesson printouts is around 30 pages, and this should be printed.

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