The Official Review Website Of Children Learning Reading Program

Welcome To The Official Review Website Of  Children Learning Reading Program

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Hi and welcome to the official review website of the Children Learning Reading Program, where you will find the most comprehensive overview of this program. Intended to operate as a research platform to assist you in making an informed decision about Jim Yang’s reading program, this review website will arm you with accurate and reliable content concerning the program. By the end of this review, you will have obtained sufficient knowledge regarding the critical importance of early reading, and also Jim's reading/math program, allowing you to determine if this program is right for you. We pride ourselves on creating a trustworthy environment for our readers by providing correct information directly from the creator of this program, Jim Yang himself.

We want to make sure that all your questions about the Children Learning Reading program are answered, so we have created a comprehensive FAQ Section which answers the most common questions that people ask about the program.
However, if you have any further questions, then please feel free to ask us anything in the comments section below, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Why You Need A Program Like Children Learning Reading 

First and foremost: Early reading makes your child smart

If you want to boost your child's IQ and make him/her smart then teaching them how to read is the best way to do it. That’s a fact stated by researchers like Stannovich & Cunningham. In a research report titled “What Reading Does for the Mind”, they revealed that reading not just makes children smart and improves intelligence, but also helps children with lower levels of cognitive ability to compensate for this. Early reading also keeps the child sharp as they age.

Just take a look at the below graphs to discover how early reading can help you to effectively prepare your child for tomorrow’s world and make him/her not only super smart but also give them a chance to become a genius soon.

Matthew Effects in Reading

Early success leads to increased success in future

The Matthew Effect of reading states clearly that when a child learns to read early there is a direct relation to the future and academic success of him/her. Conversely, if a child does not learn to read early, they are likely to turn out to be poor readers and will find catching up with early readers a tough challenge. Some of the poorer readers will never catch up.

Early reading improves memory, reading fluency, writing skills and comprehension

When you teach your child to read early, they will expand their vocabulary. It will also help to increase their self-confidence and make them more independent. In addition, you will help your child to improve the fluency of their reading, their writing skills and their comprehension.

Reading is fun and entertaining

As an early reader your child will be able to learn a lot of new things such as places in the world, science, history and a whole lot more that they couldn’t do if they are unable to read. It will be entertaining for your child when they can read! They will find reading really fun, and it is so much better for your child than sitting in front of the TV.

Early reading enhances your child’s imagination

By teaching your child to read at an early age you will open up a new comprehension and understanding of their world for them. You will help to enhance your child’s imagination, and the world will make much more sense to them.

It helps to keep your child safer

And last but not least, when your child can read early, they will be able to read and understand important signs and labels such as danger, beware of dogs, stop, poison and more. It will help to keep your child safer.

Learning to read is an essential part of the development of a child

All parents wish their children to grow up smart and successful. And indeed, the bulk of a young child's brain synapse formation takes place in the first 5 years of life! 

Thee blow is a graph from research report titled “The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture” from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. It clearly shows that from birth to about 5 years of age (the shaded darker blue box) is where the most synapse formation takes place within the brain. 


The synapse formation in a child’s brain at different ages.

As you see, child's synapse formation for higher cognitive function peaks around 2 to 3 years of age. It's also important to realize that it is the child's earliest experiences during these very sensitive periods of development that play a critical role in shaping their brain growth and cognitive development.

There is a direct link between a child's academic performance and future success with positive early experiences and developing early reading skills.

Positive Early childhood experiences affect the development of brain architecture. This provides the foundation for all future learning capacities, skills, health, behavior, and life success

When your child learns to read, this is one of the greatest things to experience as a parent. It is one of the best gifts you can give to your child. You have watched every step of their growth and development, and now they have the greatest gift of all – reading. A child’s ability to read not only contributes to their academic and personal success, but also sparks a sense of imagination, allowing them to express their creativity. Because reading is an integral part of a child’s development, parents can easily become overwhelmed trying to effectively implement a reading method or program to the best of their ability.

This is where the Children Learning Reading program comes in. Being the ONLY effective phonics program with step-by-step approaches available, it is so “powerful and simple” that parents can easily use it to teach even 2 year old children to read anything.

The program also enables older Struggling Students (Up To 10 years of age) to catch up to grade level in just 8 to 10 weeks! This happens in a LOGICAL, SYSTEMATIC, AND SEQUENTIAL order, to enable any child to read and become a fast and fluent reader.

There has been a vast amount of research conducted into the best way to teach children to learn how to read, and because of this it can be difficult for you as a parent to make the right choice of the programs and methods that will benefit your child the most. The truth is that most of the ineffective methods or programs rely upon weak literary foundations that use techniques such as making kids memorize the most commonly used words.

To avoid this, and to help parents not to try ineffective methods, Jim Yang has created the Children Learning Reading Program, which is based on critical strategies for learning how to read. As a Canadian-American reading teacher, and father of four kids, Jim has devoted his life to teaching children of all ages to master reading and spelling successfully. With his Children Learning Reading (And math) program Jim has helped over 112,000 parents to successfully teach their children to read (You can find many success stories here and here). They loved the “effectiveness” and “simplicity” of the teaching methods within the program. 

Jim has extensively researched and developed his program to be able to work not only on older, but also on younger children to transform them into amazing readers and spellers. 

He has personally used this program to teach his daughters and son to read, when they were just 2 to 3 years old.

By using the methods in his Children Learning Reading program, Jim’s children made remarkable progress with their reading in only 12 weeks. You can see evidence of this in the Video Section of this review website. There are a series of videos that record the progress that his children made with learning to read at different ages.

The Program Is Very Well Known For Its “Simplicity” And “Effectiveness”

It is essential that your child remains engaged with a reading program in order that they can be a proficient reader in the fastest possible time. Unfortunately, most reading programs fall short with this. Jim was aware of this, so with Children Learning Reading he made learning to read really fun and enjoyable with the inclusion of a variety of stories, pictures and fun rhymes that children like. 

The reason why the program works so well is that it teaches your child to read and become a fast and fluent reader by using a “unique” combination of phonemic awareness and synthetic phonics.

That's why the program is so effective at teaching not only 4yrs, 5yrs,  G1, G2 students but also 2-3 year olds to become successful readers and spellers!

By offering the Children Learning Reading program to your child, you will be providing him or her with a significant head start in life by helping them to become a fluent reader and also smarter.

children learning reading review, children-learning-reading-review, Children Learning Reading Program Review, how to teach a child to read, how to teach a kid to read, how to teach a child to read, children learning reading reviews

Your child is an ideal candidate for Children Learning Reading program if he or she is aged between 2 and 10 years old, or he/she is at pre-school or kindergarten. But In fact it does not matter what age your child is, or what level of ability they have with reading because the Children Learning Reading program will turn them into proficient readers.

Even if your child has already started reading, this program can improve their skills and give them the extra confidence boost that so many children need. Also, if your child is finding learning to read difficult then the Children Learning Reading program will help them to overcome this and read proficiently.

Keep in mind that when you order the Children Learning Reading program you will receive 12 weeks of private email counselling from Jim and his team of experts. So, this program is set up to ensure that your child becomes a successful reader and also smarter in their future life.


So What Is The Children Learning Reading Program Really? 

The Children Learning Reading Program is a comprehensive phonics and phonemic awareness based reading program crate by a professional teacher, that teaches children of different ages how to read effectively and how to become fluent and fast readers in a short period of time.

The lessons of the program are easy, and there are associated stories, color pictures and rhymes to make the whole thing fun for your child. The full version of the Program comes with a set of PDF files, audio and videos, common words, nursery rhymes and stories that children love and have fun with.

The program is based on scientifically proven techniques which offers a significant opportunity to help children of different ages learn the essential reading strategies needed for them to blossom into proficient readers and to develop the potential for reading not only English letters but also “ALL” different words, sentences and story books within 12 weeks, and will lead to greater reading skills in later life.  

The Children Learning Reading program has been used successfully by many other parents and the reason for this is that it uses very simple but very effective methods to help parents to teach their children how to read. Most of the parents that used this reading program reported that it is so simple and powerful that even their very young children used it to learn to read easily and effectively.

Users of the program have seen their child achieve fluency with just a few minutes of reading a day.

The Children Learning Reading Program is a methodical, step-by-step training program that gradually takes your non-reading child or grandchild from successfully articulating letters, words and sentences to a stage where they can first read rhymes, then stories, then novels, and then encyclopedias – fluently and fast. By the end of the course, not only will you be utterly amazed by how well your child can read, but also you might be surprised if your child’s favorite place becomes the library, surrounded by books!

Teach Your Child How To Read The Fun Way

Let’s be honest. Children have the shortest attention span. The worst thing that you can do is make them feel like the task of reading is a chore. All that is going to do is make them look at reading in a negative way rather than something that is both exciting and pleasurable. The beauty of the Children Learning Reading Program is that it uses very simple, fun and interesting methods that are short but still very powerful. Each lesson typically lasts 3 to 5 minutes, and they are of course highly engaging.

The lessons are designed in such a way as to keep and hold the child’s attention and ignite within him/her a sense of curiosity which will make them want to do the lessons.

This reading program is designed to cater to a wide variety of audiences ranging from toddlers, children of different ages and even adults. The basic principles upon which this program was designed can teach anyone how to learn to read, regardless of their age.

Uncomplicated And Incremental

One of the strongest points of the Children Learning Reading Program is that it provides you with an uncomplicated approach to teaching your kid a vital life skill. It is not overwhelming at all. It is systematic and it slowly builds up, giving kids enough time to master each level. They will first learn the use of phonemes and then phonics.

Then they will be taught to use the technique of blending, with which they will be able to take the different phonemic units and string them together into whole words. By the end of the program, you will find your child going through this process seamlessly, allowing them to say word after word quickly, without breaks.Children Learning Reading Program

Why The Children Learning Reading Program Works


The Children Learning Reading program is a step-by-step course that consists of a “unique combination” of simple and scientifically-proven techniques that will help children of different ages to read fluently within 3 months. An extra bonus is that it keeps your child deeply engaged and having fun while learning!

The program applies proven methods using phonics and phonemes. Right now, you’re probably wondering how a program can help your child when even YOU cannot pronounce a certain word!! The Children Learning Reading Program has taken all of the hard-to-understand topics and created them in an easily digestible format that your child will love. But before we delve in further, it is important for you to understand what phonemes and phonics are.



Phonics is essentially a building block for proficient reading. It is a method through which children learn the relationship between the alphabetic symbols and the sounds of words. They learn to recognize the SOUNDS that belong to the letters so they can pronounce the words easily and with confidence.


The smallest unit in a sound system which, when combined with other phonemic units, joins to make meaningful words. For example, when you take the two words “hill” and “hiss”, the only difference between the words is the units /l/ and /s/. Another example would be the word “but” which contains 3 phonemes – /b/, /u/, and /t/. Changing any one of the phonemes also changes the meaning of the word. The English alphabet contains 26 letters, however, there are 44 phonemes [letter sounds or combinations] and 1,768 ways of pronouncing them! These 44 Phonemes account for every letter combination that creates every word sound. Here’s a small example of phonemes: ch can be spoken as chef, chief, choir, chaos; ea has 13 possible enunciations and can be spoken as heart, mean, head, great, theater, earth to list a few. Each letter sound by itself is one phoneme.

When you were a child, you probably did not understand what was being taught to you. One reason is that most parents and educators say a word and ask the child to read it or they write letters and ask the child to memorize it. Using PHONEMES is how we really learn to speak, no matter what language we speak. Every letter has a corresponding sound and the Children Learning Reading Program teaches your child to connect those dots in a very simplified format.

Once your child understands the principle of phonics and phonemes, they will be able to successfully map and blend units to actually be able to speak words properly. 

Eventually, by constantly practicing this technique, the child will reach a point where they will be able to process new words seamlessly, after which they can focus on the task of actually understanding the words.


What Makes The Children Learning Reading Program Different?

Why most reading programs fail is that because they are strictly based on a “whole language” approach which, unfortunately, causes children to misspell words and pronounce them incorrectly. Moreover, some reading programs call for the use of a “sight word” approach, making kids memorize words and recognize words that are used a lot. This way many kids just memorize the words by shapes and other factors. This method is ineffective because they are not learning any skills that they can use to tackle the giant body of uncommon but essential words. Also, there are many kids who are just not good at memorization. So, this method will be ineffective for them as well.

The Children Learning Reading Program, on the other hand, lays a strong foundation for kids that they can use to tackle any word.

Using the techniques which the Children Learning Reading Program includes, your child doesn't have to rely on his/her memory to remember words, so it’s easier and much more fun which creates an incentive for the child to move on to the next lesson.

The lessons in this program are so fun and easy that your kids will learn how to correctly use phonetics without even realizing it. By the end of the course, not only will your child be able to read different letters, words and sentences, but also you will notice your child’s vocabulary getting bigger, and their pronunciation becoming clearer and more accurate.

What Do You Get With Your Purchase Of The Children Learning Reading Program?

One of the many highlights of the Children Learning Reading Program is that it can help train any child to read English fluently, provided that they can speak prior to starting the program. The way that this entire course is structured makes it very easy to follow; its incremental progression in terms of complexity acts as a motivation for the child to complete each lesson without any form of stress.

The Children Learning Reading Program is divided into two stages, with 50 short lessons in total. Let’s look at each stage individually

Stage #1: Foundation
First stage contains 32 lessons. The focus of this stage is to introduce the concept of phonetics to kids and teach them the basic building blocks of learning such as the different letters of the alphabet, the sounds of each letter, and the technique of blending. Additionally, at this stage the child will also be introduced to simple words, along with much advanced words as the lessons progress.

They will essentially learn how to decode a word and blend the parts together after, allowing them to read the whole word clearly. They will be made to practice these concepts though rhymes, stories and other fun and simple activities present at the end of every chapter. These activities will slowly become more complex in an intuitive fashion. This gives the child ample time to fully master a technique before moving onto the next one.

Stage #2:
The second stage of this program consists of 33 lessons and deals with more advanced techniques.

It utilizes the skills that your child already learned in the first stage and polishes it while helping them become even more efficient readers. There is a crucial reading concept that the child will learn in this stage, and that is the topic of digraphs.

These are basically single sounds that are made by two different letters. For example, /ch/ in watch, /ck/ in chick, or /kn/ in knife. The stories, rhymes, and sentences that a child is exposed to in this stage are much more complex than they were in the first stage. But they will be able to complete the activities successfully, because here the progression similarly occurs in an intuitive manner.

But the lessons are very easy to follow and, together, by consistently practicing with your child every day for 10-15 minutes or less, you will see them grow into efficient and prolific readers right before your very eyes. This course does not condone blatant memorization of words, which is why it works so efficiently. We won’t expect toddlers and young children to memorize how to pronounce words; rather, they are provided with tools to decode any word properly, and then enable them to pronounce it correctly. These tools can be applied in speaking any word fluently.

Children Learning Numbers & Math Workbook:

This is an excellent way for your child to learn math, developing problem solving skills, and enjoy using numbers. Math is very important for all children and brain development, and this new workbook will provide your child with an excellent foundation with math, numbers and also time telling. It contains colorful and fun exercises to help your child develop important early math skills.

The lesson plans are deliberately kept short:

They are designed to be easily finished within 10 to 15 minutes or less, since we all know how short the attention span of young children is. The lessons are short but powerful, and in just 12 weeks you will see massive improvement in your child’s reading abilities.

The Children Learning Reading Program Is Available In 3 Versions (Packages)

The Children Learning Reading Program is available in three packages which are the Foundation Package which is great for getting you started, a Standard Package consisting of the main lessons, and a Premium Package that includes everything in the Standard package plus extras that will enhance the reading experience for your child.

The Foundation Package ($39): 

With the Foundation Package you get:

– Stage 1 Step-By-Step Lessons

– Stage 1 Lesson Printouts

– Stage 1 Videos – here you will see Jim Yang teaching one of his children using the methods in stage 1

– Letter Sound and MP3 Audio Clips

– The Most Common Sight Words

– Children’s Favorite Nursery Rhymes

– Children Learning Numbers & Math Workbook

– Free Lifetime Updates

– Free One-on-One counseling for 12 weeks.

The Standard Package ($69): 

With the Standard Package you get everything in the Foundation Package mentioned above along with more advanced modules to help your child reach the next level with their reading:

– Stage 2 (Advanced) Step-By-Step Lessons 

– Stage 2 (Advanced) Lesson Stories

– Stage 2 (Advanced) Lesson Printouts

– Stage 2 (Advanced) Videos – here you will see Jim teaching one of his children using the methods in stage 2

– Free Lifetime Updates

– Free One-on-One counseling for 12 weeks.

Children Learning Reading, How to Teach a Child to Read

The Premium Package ($89):

With the Premium Package you get everything in the Standard Package mentioned above, along with:

– Children Lesson Videos and Workshop – A set of DVD recordings documenting the journey of the course owners, Jim and Elena Yang, over a period of twelve weeks as they use the techniques presented in this course to teach their 2.5 year old toddler, Ethan, how to read and speak English fluently.

– Children Learning Reading Video Edition – A powerful video that clearly lays out everything that you need to know about the program. Along with a detailed description, it also specifically highlights important tips that you need to know to expedite the process of teaching your child to read English confidently and effortlessly.

– Pre-Set Printouts for Stage 2 Lessons – Stage 2 is more advanced and contains 22 lessons. To make it very easy for you – the parent – the course author has put together all of the lessons in one place, allowing you to print them with just the click of a button.

– Stage 2 Rhymes – A picture looks way more beautiful and exciting in color, especially when it comes to young children. This bonus gives you access to all the illustrations that are in the rhyme section of each lesson in Stage 2, all in full color. Where other language programs cost 100s of dollars but fail to deliver any kind of results, the Children Learning Reading Program only costs $39. The Premium Package only costs $69.90, yet it contains all the tools that you need to make this course even easier to implement.

Jim is so confident that the Children Learning Reading Program will work for you, so he has also decided to offer a 60-Day No Questions Asked, 100% Full Refund Guarantee.

5 Year Old Child Reading a “Technical” Book! (She Learned to Read Using Jim Yang's Reading Program)


How To Order The Full Version Of Jim's Children Learning Reading Program (Plus Built-In Comprehension Check Exercises, And Upgraded Math Program)

Follow these exact easy steps to get your copy of the Children Learning Reading Program right now:

– CLICK HERE to go to the official product page and click on any of the orange buttons to order.

– You will then be taken to a secure payment form where you will be shown the different payment options which include Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover and PayPal. Please enter the required payment information, and click “Pay Now” to submit them.

– Once the payment is approved, you will be automatically redirected to the confirmation page where you will receive the link to instantly download the Children Learning Reading Program. Finally, you will receive an email confirmation with your order details, including your own personal download URL for the program.

(Visited 19,778 times, 159 visits today)

120 Replies to “The Official Review Website Of Children Learning Reading Program”

  1. Olivia says:

    I would like to purchase but as I live in Australia some of the words might be different to the US can you help please?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      The difference between American English and UK/Australian English is not an issue. The Children Learning Reading program works very well for all children including US/UK/CA/AU ones.

  2. Nhi says:

    Hi! Can you give me more insight on what Children Learning Numbers & Math Workbook and The Children Learning Reading Phonics & Phonemic Awareness Worksheet Sets are? I would like to know before purchasing. Thank you.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      The Children Learning Numbers & Math workbook contains colorful and fun exercises to help your child develop important early math skills (159 pages in total).

      – Learning and recognizing numbers

      – Counting, writing numbers, matching numbers to groups of objects

      – Understanding and learning the concept of more/greater and fewer/less

      – Learning basic addition and subtraction

      – Working with graphs and comparing

      – Learning to tell time

      – Working with number sequencing

      – Developing problem solving skills, and much more…

      Please keep in mind that Just like the “Children Learning Reading” program, this numbers and math workbook is also an INSTANT download, so that you can download and start using it right away with your child.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      The Children Learning Reading Phonics & Phonemic Awareness Worksheet Sets are designed to engage your child in fun and stimulating phonics and phonemic awareness activities! Jim designed and created these phonics worksheets for use with the students he teach in his reading classes, and you can be certain that these will greatly enhance your child’s learning experience.

      There are 3 sets of phonics and phonemic awareness (PA) worksheets (124 worksheets in total). These cover all of the most important aspects of developing phonemic awareness including:

      – Phoneme Addition

      – Phoneme Deletion

      – Phoneme Blending and Segmenting

      – Phoneme Substitution

      – Phoneme Isolation

      See below:




      Not only will your child develop amazing reading skills, your child will also develop superb SPELLING skills as well!

      Plus, you also receive…
      SUPER BONUS #1

      SUPER BONUS #2

      Just like the “Children Learning Reading” program, these worksheets are INSTANT downloads, so that you can download and start using them right away with your child.

  3. Faith says:


    I am a parent of a 11 year old son who is having difficulty in reading. He is in grade 5.
    I would like to know if you can be able to send all the aboce material to South Africa if I might be able to pay for them.
    Please tell me how much will it cost the package and the postage.
    I am really desparate and hope that this will work for my son.
    If possible please convert your $ prices to R / zar (south african currency). I really want to know how much should i save to help my son with his reading and spelling problem


    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Faith,
      Thank you for your interest in the Children-Learning-Reading Program.

      You can see the cost of the program in your local currency on the payment page. Select the package you’d like on the order page of Children-Learning-Reading Program Then click add to cart.

      On the next payment page, on the right hand side, click the dropdown box and select your local currency, and it will display how much it will cost in your preferred payment currency.

      Children-Learning-Reading is a digital program available as a digital download, so there is nothing to ship, and you can download immediately after completing your purchase.

  4. Lucy says:

    I am so glad I came across this program. my daughter is reading stories at 3 years 2 months. We started this program 5 months ago. Now I catch her reading by herself and trying to sound out the letters.

    It is a simple program that keeps young ones engaged. She loves the stories that come with the package. We practice every day only for about 5 to 7 mins. I am very happy with her progress. This program teaches you exactly what to do.

  5. Ann Muise 2 years ago says:

    Can I use this program on my ipad ?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Ann,
      Yes, Children Learning Reading program can be used on your computer, smartphone, iPad and iPhone. You just need an app to open/view PDF ebooks, and iTunes can play the mp3 audios for you.

  6. John says:

    Hi Jim,

    I am a parent, I have a daughter 2 years and 3 months old. I see your program interesting, I would like to teach my child to read at the your age, may I know how to order and how much it will be?

    Thank you,

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hello John,
      Thank you for your interest in the Children Learning Reading Program.

      To order the full product, please click here and then click on the “Add to Cart” button located at the end of that page.

      You will then be presented with 2 packages, the Standard Package which costs $49.95, and the Premium Package which costs $69.90. The features of each package are clearly listed there as well.

      Once you make your selection, you will be taken to a secure payment form where you will be shown the different payment options, like Visa, Mastercard, Discover, PayPal, etc. Please enter the required payment information, and click on “PAY NOW”, to submit the information.

      Once the payment gets approved, you will be automatically redirected to the confirmation page where you will receive the link to “immediately” download the full package of Children Learning Reading Program.

      Furthermore you will also receive an email confirmation with your order details, including your own personal download URL for the program.

      Good Luck.

  7. NAllali says:

    I live in UK , my son age of 2 and 4 months love looking at books, he has very good verbal speech, everybody says he is very smart for his age, I want him to be genius and very good in his future, he is mixed race
    I speak to him only Arabic and his dad speaks to him in English, I would love teaching him how to read English and Arabic bcz I want him to love books .
    but my problem is I am not good in English Bcz I have been here for 4 years , will I still be able to tea him well with your methods?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      If your English is fluent enough to read and understand fairly well, then you can use Children Learning Reading program to teach your child. I say that because there is a bit of reading required to understand how this program works and to learn the teaching methods as well. So that’s something to be mindful of. It’s fine if your pronunciation isn’t perfect – Children Learning Reading program comes with 42 mp3 audio files that demonstrates all the sounds taught.

  8. Larisa says:

    At what age did you start the program for your little ones? I have a 6 month old and wanted to know what age I can start him on the program.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Larisa,
      Jim generally suggests parents to start when their children are able to speak more clearly, this is usually around 2-3 years of age, depending on the child. It’s better to start when they are able to speak more clearly so that the parent is better able to assess how well their child is progressing.

  9. Leslie Solis says:

    5 STARS…
    I can’t recommend this program enough! I purchased it late December and started early in Jan 2019.
    First of all, Jim’s responsiveness to my emails are incredible. I sent him a question at 10 tonight and within an hour he replied. That alone makes me want to promote this program whole-heartedly.
    My son is 4 and the youngest in his JK class. He knew the alphabet but not phonetically and seemed to just be memorizing or guessing words based on pictures in the books we were reading. I was afraid he was falling behind and wanted to help him catch up. But I became frustrated and I knew I was making it a negative experience for him. I googled reading programs and found this one had great reviews so i decided to give it a try (it was fairly inexpensive).
    This program was very clear and simple. I read Jim’s “read me first” instructions, printed out the first lessons, and just followed what he demonstrated in his first few videos. Within the first week my son had already picked up the idea of blending the letter sounds (which was the major stumbling block i had earlier) and to my delight, was eager and do more.
    Within the month we had gotten far enough for him to read short sentences and now, nearing the 8 week mark, he’s reading longer sentences, comprehending what he is reading, and has impressed me yet again with his recognition of lower case letter sounds and reading words with lower case letters. It fills my heart with joy that I cheer him on so genuinely every time we do the lessons. It’s so rewarding to see that kind of learning with my own eyes.
    I do want to mention that within this time, there were a few lessons where it seemed like he regressed and i found that personally frustrating. But then i read the section about being patient and not allowing the lessons to become a negative experience. I think that’s a very big take away. I discovered later that it wasn’t regression but just that he was tired for that lesson and just couldn’t concentrate.
    I love this program and am very grateful that Jim created it. It’s definitely working for us!!

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Thank you for your comprehensive review of the Children Learning Reading program. We are delighted that it has helped your son so much but not surprised as we know how effective it is. Jim is totally committed to helping parents to help their children read and he will always try to respond to any questions that he receives from his customers promptly. Sometimes you do need patience with your child as all children will learn at different speeds. We are very happy that you persevered and that your son continued to benefit from the program.

  10. Justin says:

    I want to know how I can get it

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Justin,
      As mentioned above, please Follow these easy steps to get your copy of the Program:

      CLICK HERE to go to the product page, and then click the “Add to Cart” button located at the end of the page to be directed to the order page of the program (Here’s the direct short link to the order page as well).

      – You will then be presented with 2 packages: the Standard Package and the Premium Package. The page clearly lists all the specific features available in each package.

      – Once you have chosen your package, you will then be taken to a secure payment form where you will be shown the different payment options which include Visa, MasterCard, Discover and PayPal. Please enter the required payment information, and click “Pay Now” to submit them.

      – Once the payment is approved, you will be automatically redirected to the confirmation page where you will receive the link to instantly download the Children Learning Reading Program. Finally, you will receive an email confirmation with your order details, including your own personal download URL for the program.

  11. Jean says:

    Hello, my child is unable to sit still when I‘m reading to him. Can this program help then?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Children learning Reading program lessons are designed to be short yet effective. The earlier lessons can be completed in just 2-3 minutes and later lessons can take 7-10 minutes to complete. The amount of time required builds up slowly as you progress through our lessons. The program also includes various games/activities to help parents keep their children engaged during the learning as well.

  12. Amanda says:

    We are from Sri Lanka.
    My second kid is 3 years +
    He is having difficulty in reading.. actually he doesn’t show any interest in doing one work for few minutes.his interests getting changes always. In a situation like this, will I be able to get the help from this programme.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Amanda,
      The Children Learning Reading program has some helpful tips and ideas to encourage children to cooperate; however, much of the work is up to the parent, and will rely on the parent to work through the lessons with their child.

  13. polly tsai says:

    I am from TW.
    Is it learn in line or have books or DVDS about The Premium Package?
    Does it mail to TW?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi polly tsai, Children-Learning-Reading is a digital program. It is available as a digital download, so there is nothing to mail, and you can download the full program immediately after completing the purchase.

  14. Alester jakuil says:

    Hi, Ales here.
    Can i purchase standard package 1st and add on premium package later?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Ales, yes you can purchase the standard package first, and then pay $19.95 to get the add-on at a later date.

  15. Emily says:

    Where can I get those foam alphabets set?

  16. Mrs Wang says:

    I am staying in Malaysia. Will delivery be costly or an issue?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Mrs Wang. Children Learning Reading is a digital program which comes with a wide variety of media files including videos, MP3 audio clips, as well as text based materials. It is only available for digital delivery via download. This allows for immediate access to the program, and it also significantly cuts down on cost, and of course eliminates shipping and handling costs as well. There is nothing to ship, this means that you don’t need to wait for the product to arrive in the mail, you can download the full program immediately after completing your purchase. This also means that you can order it from anywhere in the world.

  17. Maria Smith says:

    I just stumbled upon this package and I am very much interested in purchasing it. Is it still available?


    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hello Maria, Yes Of course! The program is still available and has been purchased by thousands of parents all over the world.

  18. Christopher says:

    We started using this program last week of February I think and my 4.5 years old son had an excellent progress! At lesson 10 of Module 1 he can easily synthesize on his own… He is now at lesson 20 and he is very excited in reading short stories.
    This program is great really.

  19. Olga-Mari Schwend says:

    We have used this program with our 2yr old and we love it! She can identify a lot of phonetic sounds and starting to read very short words.

  20. Luis says:

    My oldest daughter struggled with learning to read. We discovered she’s slightly dislexic and needed to adjust our approach to reading. We found Jim’s program and started using it and have seen a dramatic improvement! This program has been a huge blessing to us! Now, she loves to learn to read.

  21. Rita-Max says:

    I highly recommend this programme. I’m teaching my bilingual 5-year old grandson and having far more success with this scheme than what we tried at first. He has just successfully completed Stage 1 and is very keen to begin Stage 2.

  22. Adam Goodwin says:

    I have a 3 year old son. I am trying to prepare him for pre k and this is my first child so I don’t really know how to go about teaching him his foundation. I want him to enjoy the learning process.
    I would like to know if this process is available for counting as well and if I can use it on other devices once downloaded.
    Thank You in advance.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Adam,
      Regarding the counting question, yes the Full version of this program comes with Children Learning Numbers & Math Workbook.

      Yes, you can download and use the CLR program on your Tablet/PC/Laptop/smartphone and Ipad.

  23. Maria says:

    This program makes wonders. My son started it 4 weeks ago and now he has started reading every word that he sees. Sometimes what he reads may not be correct but at least he is showing the interest to read. Reading at night is a must for him now. It will be difficult at first but eventually they will get the hang of it. Keep trying without giving up. Now my 2 years old twin girls showing the same interest too.

  24. Barbara says:

    Does this program work on a tablet cuz my son is 2 and cant reach computer! Thank you.☺

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Barbara,

      Yes, the CLR program can be downloaded and used with any device, be it a PC, laptop, smartphone, Ipad, or any other tablet.

  25. Jeanette Monica Valdez says:

    This is such an amazing program! 5 out of 5! The best thing I have ever purchased. Thank you so much for this program, Jim.

  26. Claire says:

    My daughter has some delayed language issues and may be on the autism spectrum. She is nearly 4. Would this programme be good for her.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Yes, the CLR program can work for children with speech delays, so you can use the program to teach your child to read.

  27. Tom.A says:

    Will this program be effective if my son has a slight hearing loss… his f, s, and th sounds are lacking.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      The Children Learning Reading program does require the child to be able to hear well to be able to learn the sounds and blending. Jim has not worked with children with hearing difficulties, so he is unable to comment on this.

  28. Isabella says:

    My daughter is 3 years old and she knows the alphabets A-Z. Will I be able to teach her now the phonetics, phoneme, and blending? I liked the concept of teaching the basics instead of sight words making them memorize. I am worried because she already knows the alphabets, so will I be able to utilize this program and teach her?


    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Isabella, It’s fine if your child knows her alphabet. Yes you can start teaching her… Jim uses Children Learning Reading program on not only 2-3 year olds but also on older G1 and G2 students.

  29. Tina says:

    How do I contact the person who created this program?

  30. Jeremiah says:

    Hi there,
    1) I am a full time working mother, and I only have the night time to spend with my kids (2 years 3 months toddler and 6 months baby). The lesson is for the total of 10-15 minutes per day. Can this be effective if I only do it once every night?
    2) How do you define ‘speaking clearly’? My toddler is not pronouncing some words accurately, is that ok to start this program?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Jeremiah, Once per day can work as well. It may take a bit longer to complete the lessons. You can start if your child is not pronouncing all of the sounds perfectly. As long as you can understand well what your child is saying, it will be fine to start.

  31. Benjamin says:


    If I download the program, can I put it on multiple computers, tablets etc so that I can have it available on all of my devices? Can I print out the books to use

  32. SharaN says:

    This is an amazing program FOR SURE!. It works well with my daughter though she learns English as a second language.

  33. Sophia says:

    This program is detailed, organized, and worth every cent I paid for it. I am using the program to teach my two kids (ages 4.5 & 3) to read. The program is easy to understand and use. The recommended pre-reading is insightful and well written. Jim is quick to respond when I ask for help. I am totally happy with the program and the progress we are making.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Thank you for taking the time to leave your review of the Children Learning Reading program. Jim will be very happy to hear that you found it detailed and organized. He responds to any inquiries as fast as he can and he will be very happy to hear that your two children are making good progress with the program.

  34. Lee Broderick says:

    This programme is absolutely wonderful! ! I bought it to help a little 6 year old with difficulties.
    He progressed so quickly, that he was moved to a higher reading group within 4 weeks !!
    He loves the programme.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Thank you for your comment about the Children Learning Reading program. We are thrilled that the program has helped your 6-year-old to progress so fast and move to a higher reading group and that he loves the program so much. Children loving the program is one of the major reasons why it works so well.

  35. Mike G says:

    But what to do for an autistic child? Is your program include step by step plan that also suitable for teaching an autistic child to read? Thanks.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Children Learning Reading program can work well for autistic children as well. We’ve had some good feedback from parents with autistic children in the past.

  36. Oscar says:

    Hi, can you tell me more about this program and if there is any app for it? thanks.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Oscar, The CLR program is not an app or program that sits the child in front of a screen to learn. The program does require commitment from the parent to be the teacher – to teach the lessons to their child. It does require more involvement than other programs, but that’s also why the results from the CLR program are so exceptional.

  37. Elizabeth.M says:

    This actually works. Three weeks and my child is reading short sentences. She is about to turn 3. I had been teaching her beforehand which is why she picked it up so fast but she wasn’t progressing as I was only teaching her sight words not how to read. It’s pretty effortless after the initial stage of learning, we only do it for 2-3 mins a day twice. She’s starting to request to do it now that she understands. Amazing what kids are capable of.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Thank you for your comment. We are delighted that your child is making such great progress. Being consistent with the CLR program produces the best results and you persevering twice a day with it will have helped your child a lot. It is great that she now requests to continue with the program.

  38. Justine says:

    Is this program available for Android (for example tablets)?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Yes the CLR program can be used on mobile devices including android and Apple products too.

  39. sama says:

    is the price one of payment

  40. Princess Micaela says:

    Hi Can I purchase your programme in Singapore?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      This reading program is a fully digital download, so you can order it from anywhere in the world

  41. Joseph says:

    Do you sell hard copies?

  42. Simon says:

    I have been using the reading programme with my 20 year old daughter who is autistic and has learning difficulties . She has been unwell and has regressed and although she is able to read I found going over the basics again with her invaluable as it helped me identify where there were weaknesses . I really liked the clear simple presentation as it meant there were few distractions for someone with autism . I wish this had been around years ago as it is a truly excellent way to support and teach reading as well as be used as a refresher course .

  43. Trang says:

    Hi Jim,
    We are not native English speaker and we are living in Asia so basically everyday, my 2 years 1 month boy are not surrounded by English language. May I ask in our case, will your program still work for our boy, considering that we (parents) can speak English and would want him to be able to read English?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Trang, Here’s Jim’s Response to you:
      The Children Learning Reading program is not an ESL program. So it does require the child to be able to understand English so that he can understand what they are learning and reading. It is best if they have an English base first. If they can understand/speak some basic English, then you can teach them to read.

  44. Judy says:

    I live in the United States, is this program available here?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      CLR program is available as a digital download (you can get it from here) that can be accessed from anywhere in the world as long as you have a internet connection.

  45. Ashley Carey says:

    Hello I am going to be buying the premium edition with the learning reading phonics and the phonimic awareness worksheets. Are the worksheets printables or are they mailed out? I have a 4 year old that I would like to try a different method of learning to read. I am hopeful that this method will work! Thank you for your time.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hello, everything in Children Learning Reading program is available in digital format. The phonics and phonimic awareness worksheets are also printable as well.

  46. Suzanna T says:

    My son doesn’t speak English, besides listen to youtube, yet I buy the course, and guess what? Now they are proud reader (even now only reach 21 lessons), I think this is really a great course. Thank you for make it happen.

  47. Lizzie Barns says:

    This was an amazing program for my 2 children. I used the program for my Pre-K and K daughters when I homeschooled them for these 2 grades. When they went this year to the 1st grade and Kindergarten, they flew through reading. They are very advanced and love to read. I’ve recommended to a friend who will be home-schooling her Pre-K daughter. My daughters are reading several levels ahead, and have just started reading the Young’s Literal Translation Bible and Kings James versions of the Bible. Jim, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful program with other parents!

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Thank you for your positive comments about the CLR program. Getting children to love reading is one of the primary aims of the program and it is wonderful that your 2 children now feel this way and are now several reading levels ahead. The fact that your girls have now started to read these bibles is proof that the Children Learning Reading program really works.

  48. Jackson says:

    Should my child be able read alphabets or something else before I use this program on her?

    I’m trying to understand the pre-requisites to apply this Children Learning Reading program. If at all you say read or recognizing alphabets is mandatory, Can you recommend any way to get that done first?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Your child does not need to have any prior knowledge of the alphabet or letter sounds, because that’s all taught in Children Learning Reading program.

  49. Nancy Miller says:

    I’m on week 2 and my 6 year old is reading like crazy. His confidence level has gone up so much in school work. After just a few days he was understanding the concept of reading. And now teaching my 4 year old. He is reading books that he only guessed at words with. My son learned through sight words only bc that is what I was told to do and what was sent home a list of sight words. He just became a kid who memorized words and guessed at other words, he could not read. Now after less than 2 weeks I can say he is now a reader! I will recommend this to any child that has been taught with sight words only because they know some words but have no concept to learn other words without memorizing, once I showed him the concept I learned in this program he understood how to read the word, were times he would still try to guess and I say no stop guessing (because that’s all he knew, memorizing and guessing) slow down read through the sounds what sound does this letter make and so on, man when his face lit up because he was reading words he never read before and when we do a hard one in a book he is reading he goes is that a hard one? And I’m like yup and you read it I also tell him he can read everything as long as he knows the sounds, I’m sure In a couple months he will be reading books and 3rd and 4th grade level and how amazing that will be considering he is at the bottom of the reading chart in school can’t wait for his next assessment his teacher not going to know what happened! So much information in the book to help equip me to teach my 1st grader how to read!

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Thank you for your comment Nancy. It is great to hear that your child is now reading like crazy and that his confidence has significantly increased. Jim designed the Children Learning Reading program so that kids could make good progress early on and it is fantastic that your son can now read after less than two weeks with the program.

  50. Ashley says:

    I am interested in this program, we have done my baby can read which did well until I had to go back to work. Now my son is 6 and he can read but he also guesses a lot at words he doesn’t know. Does he need this program? He’s going to 2nd grade and I want to get him at reading level but preferably above if i can. Please advise, thanks!

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      This is why some programs can do more harm than good. There is a place for learning sight words, but not before building a good phonics & phonemic awareness base first. Children Learning Reading program teaches through a combination of synthetic phonics & phonemic awareness to help children of all ages to read well.

  51. Richard says:

    Does my child have to know abcs before i expose her to your program?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Your child does not need to know any letters/sounds before starting Children Learning Reading program. The program will teach everything.

  52. John says:

    Hi,how can I order this program for my children?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Just follow these exact easy steps to get your copy of the Children Learning Reading Program right now.

      Click here to go to the product page, and click on the yellow button located at the end of that page.

      You will be taken to a secure payment form where you will be shown the different payment options. Some of which includes Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and PayPal. Please enter the required payment information, and click on “Pay Now”, to submit the information.
      Once the payment gets approved, you will be automatically redirected to the confirmation page where you will receive the link to immediately download the Children Learning Reading Program.

      Additionally, you will also receive an email confirmation with your order details, including your own personal download URL for the program.

  53. Nysha Williams says:

    Hello Jim! I would like to give your program a try! I am a little worried my daughter is 10! I have tried everything, but she hates to read much. Is my daughter too old to help?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Nysha, The CLR program can help all ages to decode” ALL different words and sentences, and become better readers (Fast and fluent readers).

  54. Tiny House Kitchen says:

    I am currently doing this programme with my 5 Ds and 4 year old Dd. Ds is on lesson 20 and I am amazed by how quickly he has picked up on it and how soon after starting he began picking up simple books and reading parts of them and reading road signs ECT. Ds already knew the alphabet and the associated letter sounds and he took to it like a fish to water. Dd didn’t know them at all and is still on lesson 3. She is a year younger but I suspect she would have an easier time if she knew the sounds.

  55. Rosena Roberts says:

    I love this program and the customer service is amazing.

  56. Shaila Bhakta says:

    I purchased this program back in 2019 when I was researching on reading progression for children. I found this a very fascinating approach to teaching children how to read.
    The introduction to sounds/phonemes and slowly moving on to blends helps a great deal in building confidence in children. It also facilitates comprehension which is really important because, we do teach our children to read but pay very little attention to comprehension. It is a real challenge when it comes to non-native english speakers. This program takes care of it all.
    The best part is, you get to bond with your child and teach them the most vital skill ever!
    I would definitely recommend this program to all young parents who understand that reading, as a habit, positively impacts knowledge.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Thanks for your comment. Bonding with your children is another very important aspect of the Children Learning Reading program. You are right when you say that comprehension in reading is really important. It is essential that all children comprehend their reading. We appreciate your comment on how the program helps non-native English speakers too. This was always our intention.

  57. May Castro says:

    Is this program suitable to older kids with learning challenges? Dyslexia, for example.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi May, yes the Children Learning reading program can work well for dyslexic children. We’ve had good feedback from parents over the years.

  58. JennyBelly says:

    My girl is 7 years old! Do you think it’s too late to start her on this program? I think my daughter hasn’t mastered the sounds so she guesses on the tough words. Advice please!

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      It’s NEVER too late to start. 7yrs old is a perfectly fine age to start with CLR reading program. In fact, Jim works with many 6 and 7 year olds (G1 and G2) students that are far behind in reading to help them catch up, and eventually excel above grade level. The problem that most students who are having reading difficulties face, is that they’re never taught the real mechanics of reading – of how and why the squiggly text we see translates into the sounds and words we hear. That’s what Jim’s program teaches, through a combination of synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness development.

  59. Sarah says:

    This is amazing… Does my child need to learn the alphabet first or can she just start the program?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Your child does not need to know any alphabet before starting with Children Learning Reading program. Our lessons will teach everything starting with letters/sounds, and progress on to words, sentences, short stories, etc.

  60. Indiana says:

    What about comprehension?

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      The Children Learning Reading program has built-in comprehension check exercises to teach both reading and comprehension.

  61. Michael says:

    this sounds great

  62. Diamond In The Rough says:

    Hi, what if you did not start early on and you child is having trouble reading in the second grade would your program help older children

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hi Diamond, yes certainly. Jim has worked with many 2nd graders behind in reading using the Children Learning Reading program to help them catch up.

  63. NIsa.m says:

    Dear Jim and family,

    I hope you and family are doing fine. I’ am quite impressed and find it interesting with the way of teaching that you have been introducing with all the comments and everything that makes me want to start it immediately with my child.

    Before purchasing I would like to ask you some questions on the ebook and audios that will be sent to me since this would be my first time buying ebook online. questions are:-

    1) Can I print the ebook for our practical use or it can only be use on the pc/ laptop etc?
    2) For the audios can we put it on DVDR or something for example if we want to watch it or hear it from TV using DVD player?
    3) How long will the url link of the ebook stays in our email? Is there any specific date it will get expired?

    looking forward for you reply

    Best Regards,

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Hello Nisa,

      Here’s Jim’s response to you:

      1) Yes, you can print our eBook, and also use on a PC/Laptop/Tablet as well.

      2) The audio files are in standard MP3 format, so basically, anything that can play MP3 file formats will work.

      3) The download URLs are active for 7 days (168hrs), and you can always contact us to ask for more time if needed.

  64. Amelia says:

    I was able to to back arrow and find the purchased product page. I then emailed the page to myself by gmail and now I can access the products in gmail. In short, I figured it out… It has only been a few minutes since I requested assistance so no problem there. Thank you again for creating this material. Be blessed.

  65. Shajahan says:

    My daughter is now 1 year 4 months. Can i buy this program now and start when she is 2 years old. Or should i wait till she becomes 2 years.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      “Can i buy this program now and start when she is 2 years old”

      Of course you can do that.

  66. Rebecca says:

    My son had struggled to read and write since kindergarten and he is now in 3rd grade. The school finally had him tested and he is dyslexic. I started the Children Learning Reading program with him and even before we finished Stage 1, he jumped over 800 points in reading on his assessments. When he took the assessment he started jumping up and down and screaming that he is reading! It made me cry to see him so happy and finally having confidence. He also started to be able to spell words by just saying the words slowly out loud.

    • Children-Learning-Reading-Review says:

      Thank you for your comment Rebecca. This is a wonderful story and we are delighted that the program enabled your son to jump over 800 points with his reading assessments. Heartwarming stories like yours are a lesson to everyone that anything is possible if you have the right help.

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    Many Thanks,

    The Official Review Website Of Children Learning Reading Program – Children Learning Reading Review (Full Reviews)

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